
Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Pigeon Post

File:Pigeon Messengers (Harper's Engraving).png

Pigeon Post
Pigeon post is the process of sending pigeons to transport messages to other people or parties. Pigeons were chosen for these tasks because they had the natural ability to find it’s way home when it was sent to transport a message.

Before the making of telephones and telegrams Pigeon Post was used to send messages to others. Pigeon Post was believed to be first used by the the Persians. This though was carried on through the ages by the Romans, Mughals and the Greeks. The Persians were the first to train birds these of course included pigeons. These were their means of communicating to faraway lands.

To send messages the senders placed their message or messages in a plastic capsule to protect it from weather conditions e.g. rain and is then tied to the leg of the pigeon. When a pigeon is sent it is also sent with another bird carrying the same message because one might fail to deliver their message due to predators like falcon etc. Usually the pigeons used for these jobs are Rock pigeons or Racing pigeons, these birds are called Carrier Pigeons a.k.a Homing Pigeons.

The use of homing pigeons in todays modern day life are plenty for example if there were a day when the communication technology would break down then what would we do? Then what would you do ? Pigeons maybe the only reliable natural way of communication. This is also cheaper than sending messages through mail because the only thing it costs is pigeon food is that too much to ask?


Anonymous said...

Great to see you managing your tasks and remembering to share your work.

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