
Wednesday, 19 June 2013

The King Cobra

The King Cobra belongs to the Reptilian family.

They can live in different environments like Deserts, Bush or even in homes in the Philippines, other Asian countries and the Sahara Desert.

They are scaly like most reptilians but what separates them from looking like lizards is not particularly their size but the fact that they have no legs. Like all snakes the Cobra has fangs and deadly venom. They can grow up to 18.5 - 18.8 ft equivalent to 5.6 - 5.7m.

Using their venom snakes take down bigger animals than themselves. They are carnivorous and eat meat. The venom seep into the victim which slowly causes agony to the person which kills them.

Even though the Cobra may be poisonous it is preyed upon us, humans. Some believe that to kill a ‘Serpent’ is beneficial because of religious beliefs or of the medical uses of their venom. Other than human beings the Cobra is predated by the Mongoose
which are almost immune to the venom.

Medical Uses:
The venom gathered from the snakes, can be used to make an anti venom medicine.This kind of medicine is made from venom that is ‘milked’. The venom is milked by medical researchers, this is called one their most ‘Prized Researches’. The medicine is used by people with high blood pressure, heart diseases, a stroke or  Alzheimer's Disease and Cancer.

Interesting Facts:
Snakes shed skin, the term for the shedding of the skin is called ecdysis. When the snake is ready to shed it’s eyes become clearer. During this process the Snake does not eat.            
Conclusion: They are called King of Snakes so BEWARE!


Anonymous said...

Hi Aaron, I like all the facts about the Indian cobra and the video. Have you ever seen a cobra in real life?

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