My teacher thinks that intermediate students should start ten minutes earlier than other students in our full primary school. But as an intermediate student I believe that an extra ten minutes a day would not make a difference. Think about it ten minutes everyday for what? To muck around or to learn, what child would what to wake up earlier for school than they are used to?
If this preposterous change were to occur how would parents react to this? I think they would react to this the same way the students would because this not only affect the students but also the the parents that bring them to school. They would have to wake earlier to drop their children at school .
This will stress parents, students and teachers as they will have to change their daily routines. Some students catch a bus to school and they may need to catch an earlier one to arrive to school for this new time. Has anyone considered whether or not there may not be an available.
Consideration should surely be given to those students who may have younger siblings at the same school. In the primary school, these children could range from five years old through to 11 years! They would have to wait 10 minutes for their lessons to start. And of course having to arrive ten minutes earlier also means that ten minutes of sleep is lost and this of course could result in teachers being faces with yawning faces and drowsiness.
The idea of beginning school earlier is in my opinion is unfair! If as in our case students attend the same school then surely the times they start school be the same.